Hi There! We are Group 9 from 8-PLATINUM, we are asked to create an Interactive Feedback Blog about Africans who are experiencing difficult Challenges. A blog about how Africans respond to the challenges of modernity. We are here to tell you the Challenges that the Africans had face. Please have a minute to post a comment about this blog. Thank you for visiting the blog.

During those days, Africans were discriminated by White People based on their skin color. They were downgraded when they should receive the importance they deserved to get. Black Africans were hungry for freedom and peace. They wanted to break the chains tied by the western people. They wanted to possess the proper human rights, so they could be themselves. All they plead was freedom but it was not granted.

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It is called Apartheid, it is hard for them to face this challenge. The apartheid governed South Africa for nearly 50 years, so the Africans suffered this racist law for a long time. Because of their skin, they were mocked and teased by the Whites. It is so one-sided for them, just because human rights are based on skin color and race. For us, the worst apartheid laws are the exclusion of blacks politically as they were not considered as citizens. The lack of giving education and the forcing of students to stop going to school at the age of 13. The lack of jobs, the restriction of absenting and the salary was so low.  Also the lack of residential areas, Homelands were overcrowded.

Despite all challenges, there’s a man who fought with the black people against the western people for the country – namely NELSON MANDELA.

He was the first democratically elected president in the South Africa. He helped in bringing an end to apartheid and has been a global advocate for human rights. Also, he was a member of the AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS (ANC). He was a leader of both peaceful protests and armed resistance against in the White Minority’s Oppressive Regime. He has been in prison for nearly three decades and his actions as a face in the anti-apartheid movement both within his country and internationally. He was released in the year of 1990. Mandela participated in the eradication of apartheid and in 1994, he became the first black president of South Africa. Forming a multi-ethnic government to oversee the country’s transition. Here’s his speech when he was about to be elected as the president:

We, the whole group wholeheartedly appreciate the hard work of Mandela this past 23 years until this time, bringing the apartheid to an end, bringing equality to all, bringing peace to all, bringing security to each citizen of South Africa.



  1. Its is well presented and its very nice you can be a good blogger.
    I am amazed in the article you made.It also made me inspired to know other things about Africa.Nelson Mandela is a very Good Leader/President.

    Liked by 1 person

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